Custom design

We’ve all lived in houses where the floor plan or look didn’t suit our personality or lifestyle. Building a new custom home is your opportunity to tailor your home to your needs. You want the place you spend the most time with family and friends to be enjoyable. Your home is part of your lifestyle and should reflect that both inside and out. K5B strives to create more than just a house with walls, we aim to create a lifestyle for you.


Troy’s passion for building means he is constantly looking for new and innovative products that will meet your style and sustainability needs whilst remaining within your budget. K5B aims to get you the best home your dollar can deliver.


If you’re sick of looking at the same style of house around Perth, we can help you stand out from the crowd or just think outside the box. We relish the opportunity to bring you a home that suits your every need, whether it’s on a narrow or sloping block or challenging location.


With Troy being a hands-on a builder, it means that as the build unfolds he can walk you through every step. We know that it can be difficult to visualize your end result from a piece of paper, so if there are elements of your home you’re not sure about, we can work to find the best solution as we go. Our aim is to deliver you a home that you love every inch of.

Cet exercice amusant a un autre plus. Vous êtes distrait des réflexions sur le dîner et la couleur du plafond et activez le processus. Les mouvements des hanches pour le résultat réduisent le stress subconscient du fait que vous obtenez rarement un orgasme dans cette pose. De plus, la forme physique n’est sur ce site que par des séances d’entraînement et des “cours de nettoyage” peut être considérée comme une session de formation.